Monday, March 19, 2012

Siegel Knight Guide - Lineage 2 Goddess of destruction

For the ones that love and understand the meaning of the word "TANK", I've prepared a special Siegel Knight Guide, a guide made for the Goddess of destruction chronicle in lineage 2.

The old tanks (Paladin, Eva's Templat, Shilien Templar, Hell Knight) are now a single class called siegel knight. The role of the tank is now as it should be, the tank being one of the most important characters in a party, no matter the purpose: farming or pvp-ing.

On Goddess of destruction, you can't really do anything without a good and well geared tank. The gameplay is based on making parties, and a party always includes a tank.

What is the role of Siegel Knight in lineage 2 GoD ?

Well, the Siegel Knight has to do what tanks do: to keep mobs on him, because otherwise the whole party is compromised. In farming, especially in SOA (Seed of Annihilation) the tank must be very careful not to lose agro. This also apply in other farm zones, but in SOA the mob's agro is a bit different from the normal ones.

Now, on this chronicle, the tank is not considered a DD (Damage Dealer) and it is considered a tank (as it should be). What a siegel knight has to do is to get as much damage as possible and not let the other party members worry about mobs.

In PVP, the tank has to use agro skills especially on healers and DDs. On higher level, the tank will get a skill that will mass agro everyone around him almost the whole time. As a tank you have to protect your party, to not let people close to your healer especially, but not to neglect the other party members.

Now the party is reduced to 7 people; before the party was considered full at 9, now the limit is at 7.

The role of a siegel knight is not hard, but you have to calculate the reuse of your skills, to know when it's the best time to use agro, and to learn how to manage your agro and how to protect your party. I hope this Siegel Knight Guide helped you.

If you have something else to add, feel free. Leave comments and help other people that are looking for siegel knight guides and tips about gameplay.

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